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Payment of Violation Notice

Note: The above image illustrates where the Location Code and Violation Number are located on your violation notice.
Sample violation numbers...

Note: Leading alphabetic character.
Note: Leading zero. (not the letter "O")

Note: Alphabetic and numeric characters.
Note: Alphabetic characters only


All fields on this page are required.

This form is to pay a U.S. District Court Violation Notice received from a federal law enforcement officer.   You may pay the total collateral due in lieu of your appearance in court if box "B" is checked on your violation notice.   You must appear in court if box "A" is checked.   If you appeared in court and pleaded guilty or were found guilty, you may pay your court imposed fine using this form.   Payments will be posted to the Central Violations Bureau system the next business day by 5:00 PM CT.   The balance due will not reflect your payment until it has been posted.   Your receipt is the confirmation page received at the conclusion of this transaction.   The CVB recommends printing a copy for your records.   There will be a returned payment fee applied to the violation notice as prescribed in the District Court Miscellaneous Fee Schedule for a dispute resulting in a charge-back.   By making a payment you acknowledge these terms.   Contact the Central Violations Bureau if you have any questions at (800) 827-2982.