CVB Disposition List

Disposition Code - Description Status Examples of Disposition Code Usage
AB - ABSTRACT Open An abstract may be placed on a defendants license if he fails to appear or pay a fine when scheduled.
AC - ABSTRACT PAID IN FULLClosedA payment was received on a violation with an active abstract status. The violation was paid in full.
AE - ABSTRACT PAID ELSEWHEREClosedA payment was made at the court on a violation with an abstract status. Court must forward copy of payment receipt to CVB.
AR - ABSTRACT REJECTED BY DMVOpenAbstract rejected by DMV.
AZ - ABSTRACT PARTIAL PAYMENTOpenA partial payment was received on a violation with an active abstract. The abstract remains active until fine is paid in full.
BK - BANKRUPTCY COURTOpenDefendant has filed for bankruptcy. The violation will remain open until notified by the court of a closing disposition.
CC - CONSOLIDATEDClosedFor instances where there are multiple violations, the court may consolidate them into one grand total. The fine is applied to one violation as a PE. The remaining violations will indicate a disposition of CC.
CS - COMMUNITY SERVICEClosedDefendant has been assessed hours of community service in lieu of a fine.
CT - COURT ASSESSEDOpenDefendant has sent payment to CVB, however, CVB is awaiting final judgement on the violation from court.
DM - CLOSED/NO REFUNDClosedViolation is dismissed by court. If defendant submits fine payment, no refund will be processed unless ordered by court.
EX - EXPUNGED/NOT PUBLIC INFOClosedApplies to violations where the defendants are juveniles. This code requests personal information on a defendant be removed from CVB database.
FC - FORFEITURE OF COLLATERALClosedCVB has received payment on a violation before the initial court date. If a final docket has been sent to court, CVB will notify court of payment.
FD - FED DEBT/ REF TO TREASURYOpen(FOR CVB USE ONLY) Fine was referred to the Treasury collection program, Fed Debt. The fine is at least 120 days past due. No further action by the court, prosecution or agency is necessary.
FE - FORFEITURE PAID ELSEWHEREClosedPayment was made to the court prior to the initial appearance. Same as the FC disposition except payment was made to the court instead of CVB.
FZ - PARTIAL PYMT ELSEWHEREOpenPartial payment was made to the court on violation. A copy of the payment receipt should be forwarded to CVB.
NA - AGENCY REQUESTClosedIssuing agency has requested violation to be voided or dismissed. When providing disposition to CVB on a docket, NA is the appropriate code.
NC - AUSA REQUEST TO CLOSEClosedUS Attorney’s office submitted a request to the court for dismissal.
ND - TRANSFERRED TO DISTRICT CClosedViolation was given a criminal case number and transferred to district court. Although the citation remains pending with the court, this code will close the violation with CVB. Violation is no longer a petty offense.
NE - EMBASSY REQUESTClosedThe Embassy submitted a request to the court for dismissal.
NF - DEFERRED PROSECUTIONClosedViolation has been deferred for prosecution and given a future court date. Court will utilize this code when there are conditions placed on some defendants that have to be satisfied. This code will close the violation with CVB.
NG - TRANSFERRED TO MAGISTRATEClosedViolation was given a magistrate judge case number and transferred to district court. Although the citation remains pending with the court, this code will close the violation with CVB. Violation is no longer a petty offense.
NH - VIOLATOR REQUESTClosedDefendant has mailed general correspondence to CVB concerning the offense, i.e., proof of insurance, registration, etc. If citation is to be dismissed based on information provided, NH is the appropriate code to use.
NI - SUMMONS ISSUEDOpenA summons has been issued to a defendant for a future court date. Summons is issued by the court. CVB should be notified of the new court date.
NJ - NO SHOW/NO ACTION TAKENOpenDefendant did not appear. No action taken at this time.
NK - RESCHEDULEDOpenDefendant has been rescheduled to a future date. Court will notify defendant and CVB of new court date.
NL - PENDING COMPLETIONOpenA final judgement has not been determined, the violation is pending closure. If a new court date has been determined, CVB should be notified.
NM - DISMISSED W/O PREJUDICEClosedDefendant is not guilty and violation should be dismissed without prejudice.
NN - NO ORIGINALOpenThe agency has submitted a violation for processing. However, there is no original violation on record.
NO - REOPENEDOpenViolation has been reopened by CVB or requested by the court for specific purposes.
NP - LACK OF PROSECUTIONClosedViolation was dismissed due to lack of prosecution by US Attorney’s Office.
NR - PAYROLL DEDUCTIONClosedAllows the original fine to be deducted from the defendant’s payroll. Commonly used in military installations. Courts have proper documents for processing.
NS - SUPERSEDING COMPLAINTClosedThe court will issue a magistrate judge number. Violation will be pursued by the court. This action will close the violation with CVB.
NT - RULE 3C TRANSFEROpenThe defendant has pled guilty or nolo contendere in order to waive venue and trial in the district where the violation is pending. Proper documentation must be processed in order for transfer to take effect.
NU - REFERRED TO US ATTORNEYOpenViolation has been referred to the US Attorneys for review/prosecution.
NV - INVALID TICKETClosedThe agency has determined that the violation issued was not justified and should not be valid.
NW - WARRANT ISSUEDOpenA warrant has been issued on a defendant who failed to appear. In some instances, the court will increase the amount of the fine.
NY - POST OFFICE RETURNOpenThe US Postal Service has returned to CVB a Notice to Appear sent to a defendant. Returned due to incorrect or an insufficient address.
NZ - INCORRECT PAYMENTOpenA partial payment was received on a violation. Payment was received before the initial court date.
OF - FINE PAID THRU IRS OFFSETClosedA payment was received via Fed Debt, Treasury Collection, IRS Offset program. How paid will be IP. The violation was a court assessed fine.
PA - PLEA/DRIVING COURSEClosedDefendant has agreed with the court to attend a defensive driving course in order to avoid violation being reported to DMV. Special assessment should be collected.
PB - PROBATIONClosedDefendant has received probation as part of his plea agreement. If a fine was assessed, refer to a fine-related disposition code. Special assessment should be collected.
PC - COMMITTED TO CUSTODYClosedDefendant was committed to custody as part of his plea agreement. If a fine is assessed, refer to a fine-related disposition code. Special assessment should be collected.
PD - DISMISSED/ACQUITTEDClosedViolation was dismissed with prejudice as part of plea agreement.
PE - FINE/INSTALLMENT PAYMENTOpenDefendant was assessed a fine and special assessment. Amount due was set up as an installment plan. Court must provide to CVB necessary information such as a fine, special assessment and due date The violation will remain open until fine is paid in full.
PF - INSTALLMENT PAIDClosedDisposition code CVB will use to identify a court assessed fine paid in full.
PG - PLEAD GUILTY NO FINEClosedPlead guilty. No fine assessed.
PI - INSTALLMENT PLAN/PROBATIOOpenDefendant's final judgement is probation. If a fine is assessed in addition to probation, refer to a fine related disposition such as PE. Special assessment should be collected.
PJ - PBJ/ NO CONVICTIONOpenPlea without entering judgement of conviction. Information for court use only, not public information.
PN - RESTITUTION - OTHER PARTYClosedA defendant is guilty of offense charged and according to plea agreement, must pay a restitution to other party. This payment will not be processed by CVB. Special assessment should be collected.
PP - FINE PAIDClosedA fine and special assessment was assessed the day of the scheduled court day. The defendant paid the fine in full on the same day. Forward copy of payment receipt to CVB.
PR - PAYROLL DEDUCTION(PLEA)ClosedAllows the assessed fine and special assessment to be deducted from the defendant’s payroll. Commonly used in military installations. Courts have proper documents for processing.
PS - FINE/SENTENCE SUSPENDEDClosedDefendant has entered into a plea agreement with the AUSA, the fine/sentence was suspended in part or in whole, until the defendant has complied with conditions or not, i.e., Probation, Driver’s Course etc. Special assessment should be collected.
PT - FINE/SENTENCE STAYEDClosedDefendant has entered into a plea agreement with the AUSA, the (entire) fine/sentence has been (temporarily) waived/stayed, until the defendant complies with conditions or not, i.e., Community Service, Rehab, etc. Soon after fine is dismissed. Special assessment should be collected.
PX - PBJ/NO CONVICTION/CLOSEDClosedPlea without entering judgement of conviction. Information for court use only, not public information.
PZ - INCORRECT PAYMENTOpenA partial payment was applied to a violation with a disposition code of PP. If indeed, the defendant failed to make the promised fine amount, refer to an open installment fine disposition code.
RA - PROMISE TO APPEAROpenDefendant has received violation and has made a promise to appear for an upcoming court date.
RC - CONTINUANCE (ECF S/B NK)OpenViolation was continued by the court for a future court date. CVB should be notified of a new court date.
RF - REFUND OF PAYMENTClosedDue to a dismissal or an overpayment, a refund has been processed to refund money to the defendant.
RI - RETURNED ITEM - NSFOpenA payment by check was made to CVB. Due to insufficient funds, the check was returned by the defendant’s bank.
RV - REVOCATIONClosedA defendant violates probation as illustrated on plea agreement, revocation of probation follows. No longer petty offense.
SL - SURRENDERED LICENSEClosedThe court has determined that the defendant must surrender drivers license to the proper authorities.
TA - DRIVING COURSEClosedThe defendant has agreed with court to attend a defensive driving class as part of his trial proceedings. Special assessment should be collected.
TB - PROBATIONClosedIn trial, a defendant’s final judgement is probation. If a fine is assessed in addition to probation, refer to a fine related disposition such as TE. Special assessment should be collected.
TC - COMMITTED TO CUSTODYClosedA defendant appears for trial and the judgment is to be committed to custody in lieu of a fine. Special assessment should be collected.
TD - DISMISSED/ACQUITTEDClosedIn trial proceedings, the final judgement is not guilty and the defendant is acquitted of all charges.
TE - FINE/INSTALLMENT PAYMENTOpenIn trial proceedings, the defendant was assessed a fine and special assessment. Amount due was set up as an installment plan. Court must provide to CVB necessary information such as fine, special assessment, and due date. The violation will remain open with a code of TE until the balance is paid in full.
TF - INSTALLMENT PAIDClosedCVB will use this disposition to identify an installment plan that has been paid in full.
TG - FOUND GUILTY NO FINEClosedIn trial proceedings, the defendant was found guilty and the court determined that a fine would not be assessed. Special assessment should be collected.
TN - TERMINATING CODE/TRIALClosedAdministrative closing by court.
TP - FINE PAIDClosedAt trial, a fine and special assessment was assessed and paid in full on the same day. Forward copy of payment receipt to CVB.
TR - PAYROLL DEDUCTION(TRIAL)ClosedThis disposition allows the assessed fine to be deducted from the defendants payroll. Commonly used with military installations. Courts have proper documents for processing.
TS - FINE/SENTENCE SUSPENDEDClosedAfter a trial, the fine/sentence has been suspended in part or in whole by the court, until the defendant has complied with conditions or not, i.e., Probation, Driver’s Course etc. Special assessment should be collected.
TT - FINE/SENTENCE STAYEDClosedAfter a trial, the (entire) fine/sentence has been (temporarily) waived/stayed by the court, until the defendant has complied with conditions or not, i.e., Community Service, Rehab, etc. Soon after the fine is dismissed. Special assessment should be collected.
WC - WARR/FORF OF COLLATERALClosedCVB received payment in full on a violation with a previous active warrant disposition code (NW).
WE - WARR PAID ELSEWHEREClosedA payment was made to the court on a violation with an active warrant. This disposition code applies if the balance due was paid in full.
WO - WRONG OWNEROpenviolation was issued to an individual and it should not have been issued due to incorrect information provided on violation notice.
WZ - WARRANT/PARTIAL PYMTOpenA partial payment was received at CVB or at court on a violation with an active warrant. Unless notified by the court, the warrant will remain active until paid in full.